What Kind of Housing? : An Exploration of Low-density Multi-Family Housing in Las Vegas
Apartment Building for Mr. Jack Hanson & Mr. Larry Bair
Object ID:
Background Information:
Officially titled the Tropicaire Apartments, this 32-unit apartment complex was located at 93 E. Reno Ave, behind the Tropicana Hotel. It was officially opened in October of 1962, as advertised in the Las Vegas Sun newspaper. Constructed to meet the need of the housing shortage for the growing entertainment industry, the building takes advantage of the arid climate with an open courtyard, pool, open balconies and staircases, and large areas of grassy space around the pool for lounging and relaxing. The U-shaped plan with horizontal massing and symmetric fenestration evokes a modern ranch style with low eaves, decorative concrete block walls, and decorative block screens.

Eighteen one-bedroom units were design on each floor, with updated amenities and modern furnishings. The Las Vegas Sun advertising showcases the open courtyard and pool as depicted in the drawings, including the open balconies and decorative concrete block walls. The south and west buildings, and the pool house, still stand, though are undergoing remodeling. From 1962 to 2019, the property was unaltered, clearly depicting Hugh Taylor's design as indicated in the drawings.
Image Caption:
Sheet 1: Plot Plan & Roof Plan
Sheet 2: Foundation Plan, Foundation Details, Footing Details
Sheet 3: General Notes, 2nd Floor Plan & Ground Floor Plan
Sheet 4: East (Inner Court) Elevation #1, West (Rear) Elevation #2, East (Front) Elevation #3, North Elevation #4 (South Elevation Opposite Typical of North), North Elevation #5 (Inner Court) (Opposite Side Same), Elevation #6, Front Elevation #7, End Elevation #8
Sheet 5: Door Details, Interior Elevations Kitchens, Laundry & Storage Plan, Floor Plan, Electric Fixture Schedule
Sheet 6: Typical Section, Typical Handrail
Sheet 7: Stair Section, Typical Interior Masonry Walls, Plan (Typical) Stairs, Plan- Rear Stair Framing
Sheet 8: Sewer-Water-Power Service
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Copyrights & Disclaimers:
Any use, reproduction or publication of this item requires written permission from the Nevada Preservation Foundation.

All information regarding Hugh Taylor's clients has been obtained from publicly available sources such as newspaper archives, census records, marriage records, obituaries, public libraries, and local assessors records.
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